Paradox and Perseverance: Hanserd Knollys, Particular Baptist Pioneer in Seventeenth-Century England by Dennis C. Bustin (SBHT 23, Paternoster, 2006)

1 Hanserd Knollys: Seventeenth-Century Radical Conservative. An introduction and hisoriopgraphical Overview

2 The Early Years: From Lincoln to New England

3 Hanserd Knollys and the Particular Baptists’ Struggle for Legitimacy in the 1640s

4Hanserd Knollys and the Struggle for Legitimacy: Levellers, Quakers, and the Fifth Monarch Movement

5 Testings, Trials, and Tribulations: Knollys’ Life during the Restoration

6 ‘The World that now is and the world that is to come’: Knollys’ Use of and Interpretation of Apocalyptic Literature

7 A Sect No More: Hanserd Knollys’ Role in Particular Baptist Formalisation

Epilogue – The Twilight Years: “An Inheritance among them are Sanctified”


The W. T. Whitley Lectures (1949-1967)

1951  The Unity of the Bible by H. H. Rowley

1952 Rivals of the Christian Faith by L .H. Marshall

1954 Puritanism and Richard Baxter by Hugh Martin

1958 The Baptist Union. A Short History by Ernest A. Payne (Baptist Union,)

1959 Baptism in the New Testament by G. R. Beasley-Murray (Macmillian, 1962)

1960 The Ark of God by Douglas Stewart

1961 The Restored Relationship by Arthur B. Crabtree

1962 The Greeks and the Gospel by J. B. Skemp

1963 The Reformation of our Worship by Stephen F. Winward (Carey Kingsgate, 1964)

1967 The English Separatist Tradition by B. R. White (Oxford, 1971)

Calvinism, Communion and the Baptists by Peter Naylor (SBHT 7, Paternoster, 2003)

Calvinism, Communion and the Baptists: A Study of English Calvinistic Baptists from the Late 1600s to the Early 1800s

1 ‘Church’ and ‘Sect’

2 A separate Denomination

3 From Repression to Protection

4 The Earlier 1700s

5 ‘Strict Baptist’ Origins

6 Communion Controversy

7 Communion Controversy: The 1700s

8 Communion Controversy: The 1800s

9 High Calvinism and the Particular Baptists

10 Elements of John Gill’s Theology

11 Andrew Fuller

12 The Late 1700s

British Baptist Historians 4: John H Y Briggs

John Briggs is Senior Research Fellow in Church History (2001-) and was the Director of the Centre for Baptist History and Heritage (2002-2009), Regent’s Park College, Oxford. He is also Research Professor in Baptist History at IBTS. John is a past chairman of the Baptist World Alliance’s Baptist History and Heritage Commission (1990-95). He was editor of The Baptist Quarterly between 1985-2008. You can read his Inaugural Lecture as Director here. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Manchester Wesley Research Centre.

Major Publications

Victorian Nonconformity
(Hodder & Stoughton, 1973) with Ian Sellers

Freedom: A Baptist View (Baptist Union, 1978)

‘She-preachers, widows and other women: The Feminine dimension in Baptist life since 1600’, Baptist Quarterly 31.7 (July 1986), pp.337-52.

‘Baptists and Higher Education in England’ in William H. Brackney with Ruby J. Burke (eds.), Faith, Life and Witness: The Papers of the Study and Research Division of the Baptist World Alliance – 1986-1990 (Samford University Press, 1990)

‘Evangelical Ecumenism: The Amalgamation of General and Particular Baptists in 1891’, Baptist Quarterly 34.3 (July, 1991) and 34.4 (October, 1991)

The English Baptists of the Nineteenth Century (Baptist Historical Society, 1994)

‘Politics and Pulpit: Robert Hall and the ‘Signs of the Times” in Culture and Non-Conformist Tradition, pp.63-94, (eds.) Alan Krieder and Jane Shaw (University of Wales Press, 1999)

(ed.) with Paul Fiddes, William Brackney, Pilgrim Pathways: Essays in Baptist History in Honour of B.R. White (Mercer, 1999)

‘Active, Bust, Zealous’: The Reverend Dr. Cox of Hackney’ in Pilgrim Pathways: Essays in Baptist History in Honour of B.R. White (Mercer, 1999)

‘F.A. COX OF HACKNEY: Nineteenth-Century Baptist Theologian, Historian, Controversialist, and Apologist’, Baptist Quarterly 38.8 (October, 2000)

(ed.) with Mercy Oduyoye and Georges Tsetsis, A History of the Ecumenical Movement Vol 3: 1968-2000 (WCC, 2004)

‘British Baptists and the beginnings of the Baptist World Alliance’, Baptist Quarterly 41.1 (January 2005)

‘Confessional Identity, Denominational Institutions and Relations with Others: A Study in Changing Contexts’ in A. R. Cross & P. E. Thompson, Recycling the Past or Researching History? Studies in Baptist Historiography and Myths (Paternoster, 2005)

‘Baptists and the Ecumenical Movement’, Journal of European Baptist Studies 6.1 (September 2005)

‘Baptists and the Campaign to Abolish the Slave Trade’, Baptist Quarterly 42.4 (October 2007)

(ed.) with Stephen Orchard, The Sunday School Movement: Studies in the Growth and Decline of Sunday Schools (Paternoster, 2007)

(ed.) Pulpit and People: Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Baptist Life and Thought (Paternoster, 2009)

(ed.), Dictionary of European Baptist Life and Thought (Paternoster, 2009)

Two Congregational Denominations: Baptist and Paedobaptist. The Congregational Lecture 2010 (Congregational Memorial Hall Trust, 2010)

(ed.) with Anthony R. Cross, Baptists and the World: Renewing the Vision (Regent’s Park College, 2011)

‘Baptists and Ecumenical Engagement’, Baptistic Theologies 5.1 (Spring 2013)

‘Richard Heath, 1831-1912: From Suburban Baptist to Radical Discipleship by Way of Anabaptism’ in Anthony R. Cross and John H. Y. Briggs (eds.), Freedom from the Powers: Perspectives from Baptist History (Baptist Historical Society, 2014)

‘The Founding and Development of the Baptist World Alliance’ in Anthony Clarke (ed.), For the Sake of the Church: Essays in Honour of Paul S. Fiddes (Regent’s Park College, 2014)

See an appreciation of John Briggs by Faith Bowers in Ecumenism and History: Studies in Honour of John H.Y. Briggs, (ed.) Anthony Cross (Paternoster, 2002)

Nonconformity’s Romantic Generation by Mark Hopkins (SEHT, Paternoster, 2004)

Nonconformity’s Romantic Generation: Evangelical and Liberal Theologies in Victorian England

1 Introduction

I The Congregationalists

2 James Baldwin Brown (1820-84)

3 Robert William Dale (1829-95)

4 The Leicester Conference Controversy (1877-78)

II The Baptists

5 Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92)

6 John Clifford (1836-1923)

7 The Downgrade Controversy (1887-88)

8 Conclusion

Offering Christ to the World by Peter J. Mordern (SBHT Vol 8, Paternoster, 2003)

Offering Christ to the World: Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) and the Revival of Eighteenth-Century Particular Baptist Life


1 Andrew Fuller in Context

2 The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation and the Development of Fuller’s Evangelical Theology

3 The Disputes with High Calvinists and Arminians regarding The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation

4 The Disputes with Abraham Booth

5 Fuller’s Pastoral Ministry

6 Fuller and the Baptist Missionary Society

7 Fuller and the Spiritual Life

8 Conclusion

The Making of a Modern Denomination by Peter Shepherd (SBHT Vol 4, Paternoster, 2001)

The Making of a Modern Denomination: John Howard Shakespeare and the English Baptists 1898-1924

1 Background

2 The Strengthening of the Union

3 The Sustenance of the Ministry

4 The Search for Unity

5 Final Years at the Baptist Union

6 Shakespeare’s Legacy

The Tribe of Dan: The New Connexion of General Baptists 1770-1891 by Frank W. Rinaldi(SBHT 10, Paternoster, 2008)

The Tribe of Dan: The New Connexion of General Baptists 1770-1891 : A Study in the Transition from Revival Movement to Established Denomination

1 Introduction

2 ‘Essential truths’: The Theological Background and Development of the Movement

3. Mission or Maintenance: An Examination of the Organisational Structure of the New Connexion

4. ‘The Middle sphere of life’: Aspects of the Social and Demographic Background to the New Connexion

5. The Progress of the Gospel: an Examination of the Development and Evangelistic Strategy of the New Connexion

6. ‘Labour, poverty, dependence and anxiety’: Ministry in the New Connexion

7. ‘Union not absorption’: The Development of Discussions with Particular Baptists which led to Union in 1891


‘Redeeming Love Proclaim’ John Rippon and the Baptists by Ken R. Manley (SBHT 12, Paternoster, 2004)

1. John Rippon and the Transformation of the Baptists

2. The Making of an Evangelical Baptist Leader (1751-1773)

3. Pattern of a Pastorate: John Rippon and Carter Lane (1773-1836)

4. ‘Sing Side by Side’: John Rippon and Baptist Hymnody

5. Wider Horizons: The Baptist Annual Register (1790-1802)

6. Rippon and Baptist Historiography

7. ‘Willing Servant of all the Churches’

8. Rippon: The Preacher and the Man

9. Rippon and the Baptist Union

Bible, history and ministry: essays for L.G. Champion on his ninetieth birthday. Edited by Roger Hayden and Brian Haymes (Bristol Baptist College, 1997)

‘The stillness and the dancing: an appreciation of Leonard G. Champion’ – Roger Hayden

‘Source, guide and goal! the persuasive function of a Pauline doxology (Romans 11.33-36)’ – Sean Winter

“Wooing an crocodile” social science investigation and the New Testament’ – Michael Jackson

‘Wisdom and the dove: epiphanies of the Spirit in the gospel of Mark’ – Julie Hopkins

‘I believe, you believe: typology of belief as an instrument of hermeneutics’ – John Elliston

‘Celebrating scripture: evolutionary influences on Rabbinical Midrash’ – Sarah Parry

‘To the far country: the influence of former Bristol Students on Australian Baptist life’ – Ken Manley

‘Anatomy of a dispute between Thomas Collier and Thomas Hall’ – Stephen Copson

‘Christian realism and doing nothing’ – Brian Haymes

‘Missionary congregations’ – Tony Barker

‘”Are all Christians ministers” the ordained ministry and the priesthood of all believers’ – Grenville Overton

‘Being a minister: a consideration of the pastoral theology of Eugene Peterson’ – John Houseago

‘Into all the world: the missionary obligation’ – David Martin